Peer Review Process
Dear authors of IIJA
- Submitting an article by the author/authors through the journal's website;
- Receiving the article from the author/authors; the matching form should be sent along with the article
- Initial review of the article content by the editor-in-chief of the journal (return to the author/authors if the format of the journal is not followed);
- Scientific review by members of the editorial board and defining the referees;
- Sending the article to 2 referees, as a double-blind method;
- Announcing the result of the arbitration to the editor-in-chief of the journal, and sending the requested corrections (if the article is not scientifically rejected) to the author/authors;
- Re-sending the article to referees for reviewing (if there are serious and fundamental amendments) and receiving the final review;
- Re-control of in-text and end-of-text citation by the Special editor of the journal and control of the journal format and return to the author/authors if there is a problem;
- Issuing a certificate of acceptance and being in the queue for electronic publication after paying the printing fee
- The maximum time for initial review of articles in this publication is 15 days, and the average time for reviewing articles is 2 to 4 months.
- In order to improve the quality of scientific publications and organize their timely publication, the policy and planning office of research affairs of the Ministry of Science has declared, it is necessary to use the similarity finder. Therefore, for this publication and in line with this policy, use the "i Thenticate" plagiarism detection service at and send us the result along with other documents. It is required to submit a similarity score of 20%